What is Luce? 

Luce is an automated reasoning engine, AI software that can process  data in complex, dynamic systems to support  informed decision-making. It was developed in a cooperative agreement, funded by  NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and executed by academic subject matter experts in knowledge representation and reasoning. The team has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented at conferences.

The Luce Matrix
Luce will advance awareness in four squares of The Luce Matrix: orchestrating the efforts of large, disperate alliances, mitigate known vulnerabilities and blind spots, and finally, unmask biases and turn them into opportunities. Today, unforeseen events cause contracts to default, or break. Broken contracts require time consuming re-negotiation, which further amplifies delays and cost-overruns. Luce, instead, recommends alternate courses of action which can be initiated in real time.

1.  Known-Unknowns a.k.a Vulnerabilities or Curve Balls
Things we know will go wrong, like severe weather. At best we can make educated guesses about where, how long or how intense they will be. Known-Unknowns, like bad weather, cause delays. They can trigger a myriad of other glitches called cascading failures. Luce minimizes the impact of cascading failures by prompting individual decision makers with optimal workarounds that are actionable at their respective point, just-in- time to address glitches in their work streams that may not even have been aware of. 

2.  Known-Knowns a.k.a Babel Sequences or Knowledge Management

Luce was conceived to address pervasive misunderstandings and keep everyone
on the same page, minimizing the phenomenon of critical information being misinterpreted, lost in translation, edited for brevity or siloed.

3.  Unknown-Unknowns a.k.a Blind Spots or Black Swans 
In unprecedented situations, like a global pandemic,  9/11, or war zones, Luce enables systems to pivot rapidly, methodically and effectively.   

4.  Unknown-Knowns a.k.a Biases 
A significant vulnerability of AI so far has been its amplification of systemic bias. Luce helps enterprises uncover biases and convert them from liabilities to opportunities.

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